To improve the customer experience, maib, the largest bank in the Republic of Moldova, has implemented the innovative online programming system Earlyone in its branches. By partnering with DAAC digital, the bank has given customers the opportunity to schedule their branch visits at any time and from any location, simply and easily. Earlyone was chosen out of concern for customers’ precious time maib, the system helping to reduce waiting time.

In 2021, until Earlyone was implemented, the wait time at the counter was 5 minutes and 33 seconds and the service time was 10 minutes and 31 seconds. In addition, 76.7% of customers waited less than 5 minutes, according to the SLA (Service Level Agreement) set by the bank.

Later, after Earlyone’s implementation, the wait time was reduced to 3 minutes and 24 seconds and the service time was 6 minutes and 30 seconds. Also, according to the new SLA, 80.6% of customers waited less than 5 minutes.

Currently, the bank has managed to reduce the wait time to 2 minutes 57 seconds and 53 seconds on mobile, and the service time was 7 minutes 13 seconds. In addition, according to the new SLA, 81.8% of customers waited less than 5 minutes.

Maib is the first client to join the Earlyone platform. The bank has access to real service information, which can be analysed through reports in the system or through Business Intelligence tools.

In conclusion, by digitizing processes and improving the experience offered, Earlyone’s online scheduling system becomes indispensable for customer flow management. With the convenient and modern solution implemented, maib follows the purpose of creating financial solutions simple and smart, lifestyle-friendly inspires people to be happier and businesses – more prosperous.

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Published On: March 28th, 2023 / Categories: Blog Earlyone, Projects / Tags: , /
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