1С: Salary and personnel management CORP

The complete HR and payroll solution.

For job security

The job of a labour protection specialist

In “1C: Salary and Personnel Management” labor protection specialists will get a holistic picture of the state of labor protection at each workplace due to the automation of mandatory medical examinations and psychiatric examination of employees and candidates, recording of labor protection briefings, accidents at work and special assessment of working conditions.

Occupational health and safety briefings

Control and recording of briefings of different frequency for different workplaces, printing of briefing logs – a tool of the labor protection specialist.

Mandatory medical examinations

The delivery of “1C: Salary and Personnel Management” includes a list of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, in the performance of which are mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, approved by Resolution of the Government of RM No. 1487 of 31-12-2004.

The occupational health and safety specialist can in the program:

  • monitor staff positions that require periodic medical examinations;
  • refer employees and candidates for medical examinations in a timely manner;
  • keep the reports of medical examinations;
  • if there are contraindications, formalize decisions on dismissal or transfer.

Special assessment of working conditions (SOUTH)

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management” will help in preparing, conducting and summarizing the results of the SUT:

  • to form a commission;
  • fill in  the list of workplaces where the JFS will be conducted;
  • prepare a package of documents to conclude an agreement with the organization conducting the JFS;
  • declare compliance of working conditions at workplaces with state normative requirements for labor protection;
  • reflect the result of the JFS at workplaces;
  • to form an order on completion of the JFS;
  • notify the inspection bodies of the results of the JFS.

Accident accounting

If there is an accident at the enterprise, “1C: Salary and Personnel Management” will help to prepare the necessary package of reporting documents, analyze  causes of accidents and develop measures to prevent them.