Digital business transformation on the 1C platform

We select the optimal solution to achieve your goal.

We offer effective business solutions that are implemented on the 1C Platform. Our company has been a partner of the 1C firm for many years and holds the status of 1C:Franchising.

1C:Enterprise is an excellent platform for developing business applications, which includes applications, ecosystems, various methodological information, and, of course, specialists who work with these technologies and applications.

Our advantages

We are the only company in Moldova with unique skills

  • Participant of the 1C: ERP Centers project

  • 1С partner with localization experience 1C:ERP – 6 projects

  • Candidate for “1C:Consulting” holding ISO 9001 certificate in the field of 1C product implementation

  • Partner 1С that carries out projects according to PMBOK standards

  • Has the largest team of highly qualified 1C specialists in Moldova (more than 35 people>)

Manage your own business efficiently!

Tell us what your objectives and tasks are and our specialists will do the rest of the work: they will select the “1C” configuration according to your requirements, make proposals, present the system in detail, calculate the economic effect of implementing “1C” and answer your questions.

Our products

Get a properly configured program that works efficiently and is tailored specifically for your company’s accounting!

1С: ERP Enterprise Management

A complex 1C flagship solution, localized and in compliance with the requirements of the national legislation of the Republic of Moldova. Secure increase in competitive advantage and guaranteed economic effect.

An integrated solution that includes, in addition to the generally supported Staff Records and Payroll subsystems, the latest version of the Personnel Management subsystem. (Read more)

1С: Accounting

A universal platform for automating accounting and regulatory records in the most diverse spheres of activity: from NGOs, WB projects and medical institutions to the classic Services, Commerce and Manufacturing.

1С: Trade management / 1С: Retail trade

An integrated and scalable solution for the automation of commercial enterprise accounting given the specificities of the information architecture (integration with other websites, external management information systems and 1C:Accounting).

1С: Traceability

System for monitoring and managing production quality at all stages of the production cycle. Own elaboration. Registered at AGEPI.

1С: Integration

Standard integration mechanisms between 1C products and third party information components, further developed in completed projects.

How it works

Building a complex IT infrastructure for your company from a single vendor’s solutions ensures seamless data flow, which means maximum control, transparency and efficient company management.

Our projects

Organisations we have assisted to optimise production and business management efficiency

1С:ERP Enterprise management.

The first 1С:ERP localization and implementation project in Moldova.

  • Industrial operation from 01.01.2018
  • 50 jobs
  • Integration: 1С: Retail, Mobi-C, Online shop.

1С: Trade management / 1С: Retail trade.

Complex automation of the company’s commercial network.

  • Industrial operation from 01.01.2016
  • 30 retail outlets
  • Integration: 1С: ERP

1С:ERP Enterprise management.

Localization for the management of the bank’s economic activity.

  • Industrial operation from 01.01.2021
  • 250 jobs
  • Integration: 1С: Payroll and MRU, Leansoft, T24

1С: Salary and personnel management.

Automation of the staff accounting process, Payroll and MRU

  • Industrial operation from 01.01.2021
  • 250 jobs
  • More than 2 500 employees
  • Integration: 1С: ERP, T24

1С: Salary and personnel management.

First full implementation in the RM, including the module “Human Resources Management”

  • Industrial operation from 01.01.2019
  • Around 4000 employees
  • Over 10 000 individuals
  • Work in three shifts
  • Integration:
  1. sistem de Control Acces (SCA),
  2. employee food planning and management system (our own development),
  3. SAP corporate accounting system.

1С: Trade management / 1С: Retail trade

  • Industrial operation 1С: Retail trade from 01.01.2016
  • 1С: trade management from 01.01.2020
  • 250 jobs
  • 200 trading points
  • 300 000 unique positions in the nomenclature
  • Integration: SAP corporate accounting system

1С: Trade management / 1С: Retail trade

  • Industrial operation from 01.01.2019
  • 50 jobs
  • 20 trading points
  • Integration: 1С: Accounting, online shop, Mobi-C

1С: Integration

  • Configuration complex: 1С: Trade management, 1С: Retail trade, 1С: Accounting
  • PostgreSQL Database Server
  • Mobi-C

1С:ERP Enterprise management.

  • At the implementation stage
  • 450 jobs
  • Integration: 1С: Salary and personnel management, Bilingual system on Oracle

1С: Integration

  • Application Server Cluster: 1С: ERP, 1C: Salary and personnel management, 1С: Enterprise Toolkit 8
  • MS SQL Database Server Clustering
In total, we have more than 600 successfully completed projects in our portfolio on the development and implementation of complex automation systems in companies in various sectors.

Our services

We will help you to choose and purchase, also to implement and optimise the “1C” solution according to the tasks and specifics of your organisation.

Marketing and servicing of programmes

A wide range of software solutions, also all the necessary information and technical support for them.

Installation 1С

Installation of programs on users’ computers and initial configuration according to your company’s specifics. After installation, we recommend subscribing to maintenance and servicing services.

Updating 1С configurations

We ensure the transfer to the current 1C: Enterprise configuration, which corresponds to your tasks and business specifics.

Implementation of 1С

We offer a correctly configured and efficiently working program, tailored to a specific company’s bookkeeping and designed to optimise the management of business processes and users’ work.

Consultancy 1С

We advise on the selection of existing solutions and the rules for applying system functions. We propose optimal solutions for development, based on the experience of other companies.

Training 1С

We organise training courses on the rules for working with the 1C.Enterprise platform functions. If required, individual training scenarios can be provided on the functions and business processes of the system.

Support 1C: SIT

The SIT contract allows complex support of “1C” software products. The company operates under a single brand “1C:Franchising” and efficiently supports, implements and updates programs.


Elaboration according to specification

Our company’s specialists will help you optimize and configure the “1C:Enterprise” components according to your business specifics, including the development of a unique personal configuration.