MÜNCHEN, GERMANY. On 24-27 June 2023, DAAC digital, one of the IT industry leaders in the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Uzbekistan, visited “automatica”, the leading exhibition for intelligent automation and robotics. The event, held in Munich, brought together professionals from around the world to present and discuss the latest trends and innovations in the field. The DAAC digital team, as visitors, was represented by Alexandru Savinov, Serghei Ciumac, Alexei Batrincea and Ruslan Chistol, who had the opportunity to interact with opinion leaders, decision makers and industry professionals.

DAAC digital “automatic”

Participating in “automatica” was a unique opportunity for DAAC digital to connect with the technological vanguard. The exhibition provided a broad overview of the latest innovations in industrial automation and IT, covering the entire value chain from components and systems to services and applications. Our representatives had the opportunity to explore these emerging trends, better understand the industry’s development directions and establish valuable connections with industry professionals.

Exploring Innovation

“automatica” was a true hub of innovation, bringing together all the key technologies in the field of intelligent automation and robotics. DAAC digital, as a visitor, had the opportunity to get closer to these technologies, better understand the current and future directions of the industry and identify possible new solutions for its customers. In this context, the event provided an overview of developments, themes, innovations and solutions, thus providing the guidance and investment security needed in these changing times.

Impressions from the Event

Photos from the event, give a glimpse of the dynamic and inspiring atmosphere at “automatica”. These capture valuable moments where the DAAC digital team interacted with various booths, explored automated handlers and automated pallet trucks, and had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest innovations in the industry.

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Published On: July 4th, 2023 / Categories: Blog Robotics, News /
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