As a result of the increased flow of refugees on 28.02.2022 together with the BMA administration we decided to implement the innovative Earlyone electronic row system. Reacting Promptly in a short time, on 04.03.2022 the system was connected and operational.


Improving the speed and efficiency of BMA services, in the context of the increasing number of requests, received at the one-stop shop. Customers avoid waiting in queues by booking their seat remotely through a mobile platform that calculates and proposes the optimal time toreceive service.


  • Earlyone mobile app

  • QR code to generate the ticket online

  • The QMS terminal installed at the BMA

  • Simple and intuitive operator interface

  • Information display


  • Efficient customer flow management

  • Monitoring the service process in real time

  • Minimise waiting time in queues

  • Increase customer satisfaction

  • Online Monitoring

  • Increasing staff efficiency

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Published On: March 4th, 2022 / Categories: Blog Earlyone, Projects / Tags: , /
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