January 28, 2014, Bangalore, India – IDEALINVENT Technologies, an emerging challenger in banking software, has declared Energbank as their inaugural customer in Moldova.

Energbank, which has 70 branches across the country, has opted for internet and mobile banking products, which are an integral part of ConnectCore™ solutions. Energbank’s online services will initially be available to individual customers and will later be extended to commercial customers as part of their future plan.

Having achieved delivery with the ConnectCore library of SOAP web services, the bank is getting closer to achieving channel integration with the core system. The implementation is being coordinated by DAAC System Integrator together with partner IDEALINVENT.

Ebergbank comments: “We were looking for a new product that was more technically advanced than the systems used by our competitors. Understandably, therefore, we had to have a high comfort level with what ConnectCore could deliver, as we were planning to do something, which was unprecedented by local standards. There were potential challenges associated with choosing an international vendor that was new to the Moldovan market, as well as implementing a product that was superior to what existing systems could support. A new solution was a bold choice; however our choice was redeemed by achieving a high level of solution well ahead of our competition. The delivery itself was very compact and integration is expected to be easy with the standardised web services library.”

With the ConnectCore™ solution, Energbank has chosen a product, which is built on a robust framework and superior technology, allowing it to merge into a reference service-oriented architecture, ensuring rapid deployment and low cost of ownership. In addition to the underlying architectural effectiveness, the ConnectCore™ solution promises to deliver differentiating features such as: a unique communication platform, self-suggesting smart domains and many such features of the modern web.

Premkumar Bhagwatsaran, CEO at IDEALINVENT, said: ” The ConnectCore solution was designed with utility in mind to ensure easy understanding, while sophisticated processes ensure accurate transaction execution.” Below, he comments“This delivery, one of the most technically advanced in the Moldovan financial market, will ensure a strong online presence and mobile capabilities for Energbank, enabling them to deliver an exceptional customer experience, making the internet and mobile devices one of their primary channels to keep customers engaged.”

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Published On: January 28th, 2014 / Categories: ATM Blog, News, Projects / Tags: , /
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