Full service cycle from ordering to operation
We are a company with extensive software development experience, aiming to solve our customers’ complex challenges and problems in the field of digitalization and business automation.
Our team of professional IT consultants can help you choose the best solution to meet your needs.
With us you will find a full range of services for creating Web applications. We will provide all necessary functionality and information security, develop professional interfaces using modern UI/UX design methods. The service of interface design creation can be provided as a complex of application development services or separately.
Industries we focus on
Technologies we work with
In our developments we use both popular open source and proprietary solutions.
This allows us to achieve an optimal combination of the cost of software development and maintenance with the level of warranty and service support.

Methodologies used
Product development
You are hiring an agile, skilled and experienced team with the full range of skills needed to create valuable, customized digital products.
This team includes experienced web developers, project managers, designers, testers and DevOps specialists who have a deep understanding of solving unique business problems.
Project approach
Reference projects
The systems we have developed have over 70,000 active users.
DAAC System Integrator, as general contractor, together with the company Naumen, has won an international tender for the delivery, integration and implementation of a...
In 2009, DAAC System Integrator implemented an IPTV platform for the largest Internet provider and telecom operator in Moldova - Moldtelecom; Following the implementation...
Creation of a universal information platform for the completion, transmission and processing of reports submitted by economic agents to central public authorities. The system...
Project goal: Ensuring control of infectious diseases and epidemiological situation in the Republic of Moldova. In 2013, the information system implemented e-Epidemiology, being evaluated...
Project objective: Ensuring the management of the taxpayer's personal account by the State Tax Service and monitoring the relationship with the state budget by...
System components: The Cadastre headquarters provides the administration of the system; The Cadastre's territorial offices' contour ensures the automation of the territorial offices' business...

We offer comprehensive software development,
which starts with an initial business analysis and ends with delivery and support.
You will receive a unique product, customized to your business processes and tailored to your future needs.
The concept of project development can be based on both ready-made, but improved and adapted for the customer solutions, and unique ideas that allow solving non-standard tasks of any complexity.

We offer technical support
Even the best software needs regular maintenance and testing to keep it running fast, reliable and secure.
We do this by constantly monitoring performance, optimizing, quickly resolving issues and implementing new features and integrations.
Specially trained maintenance and support teams will help you in case of problems and perform regular maintenance work.
Examples of our products

Models of cooperation
We offer different models of cooperation according to your needs.
In cases where you do not have your own IT department, we suggest you consider hiring a product development team.
This approach saves time and money, as well as the peace of mind of knowing that product development will be handled by experienced professionals, giving you peace of mind.
For businesses with in-house IT departments, we offer staff augmentation services.
This addresses gaps in technical knowledge or industry expertise, speeding up development and increasing efficiency.
Feedback from our customers
“Echipa DAAC System Integrator” is a format for professionals who have a high level of competence și dispune to the capacity required for the realization of complex projects. The personal professionalism, perseverance, motivation și responsabilitatea în the implementation of the sarcinilor proposal is not certified for the continuation of the colaboration with aceasta companie”.
Alexei Sîci
Vicepreședintele Oficiului Național de Asigurări Sociale
“Suntem foarte mulțumiți de prestația specialiștilor companiei și recomandăm DAAC System Integrator ca un partener IT de încredere în modernizarea sistemului educațional din Moldova.”
Ana Corețchi
Director de program al Fundației Soros
“Datorită profesionalismului echipei DAAC System Integrator S.R.L., I.C.S. “Premier Energy Distribution” S.A. dispune de o infrastructură informațională fiabilă și securizată, bazată pe soluții Cisco, care permitting atât economisirea resurselor financiare, cât și a timpului optimized direcționat în asigurarea funcționării continue a afacerilor, precum și în asigurarea securității informaționale.”.
Anatol Crețu
Director Sisteme Informatice Premier Energy