On May 19, 2023, employees of the company “DAAC digital” visited the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova. But it wasn’t just a visit. It has been a mission to improve and digitise the area we care for.

Innovative plates: nature meets technology

One of our main projects was to make and install special plaques next to various plants in the garden. A QR code is on these plates, and scanning it redirects the user to a Wikipedia page with information about the plant the plate is next to. A total of about 100 such plaques were installed, each representing a small digital doorway to the world of botany.

Vegetation care: our contribution to nature conservation

During our visit, we also took care of plant care in the area we support. Our employees loosened the soil around the young plants and watered them abundantly. This was not only a way to contribute to the preservation and improvement of the garden, but also an excellent team effort.

Botanical Garden: the heart of Chisinau

The Botanical Garden is an important place for the inhabitants of our city. It’s where mothers take their children for walks, newlyweds have their photo shoots, and graduates take special photos in front of the evergreen and flowering trees in the garden. The Botanical Garden was founded in October 1950 and today covers an area of approximately 104 hectares. In its collection there are about 10 thousand species, forms and varieties of plants. It is a unique place that we strive to preserve and improve.

Moving forward into the future: our plans

We intend to continue to take care of our Botanic Garden grounds and introduce new technologies. Our aim is to make the garden a living encyclopaedia, accessible to all visitors. We believe in the power of education and strive to make nature knowledge accessible to all. We are proud to contribute to the development of the Botanic Garden and look forward to new projects and opportunities to improve it.

Published On: May 24th, 2023 / Categories: News /

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