State infectious disease control system e-Epidemiology
Project goal: Ensuring control of infectious diseases and epidemiological situation in the Republic of Moldova. In 2013, the information system implemented e-Epidemiology, being evaluated at a high...
Taxpayer Personal Account Information System
Project objective: Ensuring the management of the taxpayer's personal account by the State Tax Service and monitoring the relationship with the state budget by taxpayers. System components:...
Information System for Active Access to the Real Estate Cadastre
System components: The Cadastre headquarters provides the administration of the system; The Cadastre's territorial offices' contour ensures the automation of the territorial offices' business processes; The Executors...
State register of animals
Purpose of the system: Ensuring that animals are registered and recorded throughout their lives. Component: A single internal portal of the Information Centre, allowing the following authorised...
Information system for the recording of crimes for the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Moldova
Main purposes: The system is designed to centrally store criminal record data, criminal files and offenders, other operational documentation, search and forensic information and to provide common access...
Automated Information System Public Procurement Registry
Project description: The Public Procurement Registry is an automated information system designed for managing procurements. The objectives of this system are Compiling information on public procurements; Automating...