
State infectious disease control system e-Epidemiology

January 1st, 2022|

Project goal: Ensuring control of infectious diseases and epidemiological situation in the Republic of Moldova. In 2013, the information system implemented e-Epidemiology, being evaluated at a high...

Taxpayer Personal Account Information System

January 1st, 2022|

Project objective: Ensuring the management of the taxpayer's personal account by the State Tax Service and monitoring the relationship with the state budget by taxpayers. System components:...

State register of animals

January 1st, 2022|

Purpose of the system: Ensuring that animals are registered and recorded throughout their lives. Component: A single internal portal of the Information Centre, allowing the following authorised...

Automated Information System Public Procurement Registry

January 1st, 2022|

Project description: The Public Procurement Registry is an automated information system designed for managing procurements. The objectives of this system are Compiling information on public procurements; Automating...