Client: Moldtelecom – the main telecommunications operator in the Republic of Moldova, providing a wide range of communication services for individual users and companies.

Project: Metro Network Stage 2.

Objective: To expand and improve the communications network for METRO stores, providing greater transmission capacity and extended coverage.

Description: DAAC digital has implemented the second phase of the communication network for METRO stores, extending the bus to 10 Gbps and implementing IP/MPLS technology for access to all METRO locations in the Republic of Moldova. This project has significantly improved network capacity and performance, enabling Moldtelecom to provide high quality services to the METRO store network.


  • Extending the bus to 10 Gbps.
  • Implementation of IP/MPLS technology for enhanced access at METRO locations.
  • Providing a scalable and high-performance infrastructure for the METRO store network.
  • Improving the capacity and performance of the Moldtelecom network in METRO locations.

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Published On: April 1st, 2022 / Categories: Blog Cisco Networking, News, Projects / Tags: , , /
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