World Bank Moldova benefited, in 2023, from the implementation of an advanced audio conferencing system with simultaneous translation support, realized by DAAC digital. The project was realized to ensure clear and efficient communication during international meetings held in the Bank’s conference room.

Project Description:

DAAC digital has integrated a Taiden audio conferencing system with simultaneous translation, customized to meet the specific requirements of World Bank Moldova.
The solution offers exceptional sound clarity and allows simultaneous translation into multiple languages, facilitating international collaboration.

Manufacturers and Technologies Used:

  • Taiden: Audio conference system with simultaneous translation.

Main Benefits:

  • Superior sound quality: the system ensures clear and intelligible communication.
  • Simultaneous translation support: enables multilingual meetings without language barriers.
  • Sound integration with Cisco Video Conferencing: Enables a complete and efficient online meeting experience.
  • Adaptability: the solution is suitable for meetings of any size, ensuring maximum flexibility.

To learn more about our audio-video solutions, please visit Meeting room solutions.

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Published On: August 1st, 2023 / Categories: AV Blog, News, Projects / Tags: , /
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